Dream of the Shaman


Reiki Simplified

Modern Science has demonstrated that everything that exists is made up of energy with its own vibrational signature.  Reiki works with the energy that makes up and flows through your body.  It works to bring your natural energy back to balance, clears out blockages to the flow of energy, and enhances your natural physical and emotional healing abilities.

Reiki originated in Japan in the early 20th century.  The origin of the word “Reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei”, meaning universal, and “ki” meaning life energy.

The areas in the body where a person experiences physical or emotional discomfort may contain energy stagnation.  Working as a conduit, a practitioner will use various hand positions on or above a client’s “chakras” (focal energy points), guiding Reiki into their energy field, thus helping to facilitate an overall balanced and harmonious energy flow.  Feelings of peace and well-being, mental clarity, and reduced physical pain and dis-ease are all results of a balanced chakra system.  Reiki also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Your Seven Chakras (focal energy points)

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Click on these weblinks to find more information on how Reiki can help (articles will open in a new tab):

Weight Loss

Managing Pain

Mental Health

Image by Freepik

What to Expect for your Private Reiki Session

Cost: $80

Contact us to schedule

Before and during your session:

Reiki sessions are administered in a calm, safe and comfortable space on a heated jade and tourmaline crystal mat (see below for more details on the benefits of crystal mat therapy).  Clients should wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing. Generally, clients will lay on their backs, however Reiki will work the same regardless of how the client is positioned on the table.  Blankets and pillows will be available to help the client remain comfortable during the session.  The duration of the session can last anywhere from 45 minutes to one hour depending on the intention of the client.

We will discuss with you your intention for healing.  This will be documented so that we may help you track the progression of your healing.  Reiki is traditionally administered with “hands-on” touch, however because a client’s energy field extends outwards from the body, physical touch is not required by the practitioner.  You will be asked prior to starting the session if touch is acceptable.

After your session:

Oftentimes Reiki energy will put a client to sleep during the session, or simply fill one with a deep sense of relaxation.  Clients are encouraged to spend a few minutes on the table for grounding. It is recommended to drink plenty of water for 24 hours after a session.

Benefits of a Reiki session combined with a heated jade and tourmaline gemstone mat using FIR (far infrared rays) and Negative Ions:

The FAQs in this section have been taken directly from the manufacturer’s website (www.healthline.com)

Q: What are far infrared rays (FIR)?

A: Have you ever stepped outside into the sun and felt a comforting warmth slowly radiating from the inside out? This feeling is caused by an invisible light known as FIR. While you may not be able to see FIR, its effects are powerful and can be harnessed to improve overall wellness.

Healing benefits of FIR:

  • Alleviates minor muscle and joint pain
  • Naturally detoxifies
  • Reduces minor pain and stiffness
  • Helps relieve back pain
  • Lessens symptoms of chronic fatigue

Q: What are negative ions?

A: You know that feeling of relief that washes over you when you’re in the presence of a thunderous waterfall, watching waves crash on the beach, or taking a deep breath of fresh morning air? While you may be feeling reenergized by the beauty of nature, chances are you’re inhaling negative ions as well.

Scientifically speaking, negative ions are oxygen atoms charged with an extra electron. Negative ions are believed to create reactions within your body that increase your serotonin levels, helping improve your mood, reduce depression and stress, and increase energy.

Healing benefits of negative ions:

  • Relieves depression
  • Decreases drowsiness
  • Fewer headaches
  • Reduces stress
  • Boosts energy

Q: What are chakras, and why do they need to be balanced?

Chakras are an ancient spiritual belief centered on the idea of energy in the body. The word “chakra” is a Sanskrit word that translates to “wheel” or “cycle.” Seven chakra points run along the spine. Each chakra is believed to influence certain aspects of the mind, body, and soul, but in general, chakras regulate the flow of energy within you. Imbalanced or blocked chakras can impact the entire flow of energy in the body, manifesting in a vast range of negative results.

However, balancing the chakras offers powerful physical and mental benefits and a profound sense of healing.

Healing benefits of balanced chakras:

  • An improved connection with nature, inner thoughts, and others
  • Spiritual and intellectual awakening
  • Increased level-headedness and clarity
  • Reduced stress

Q: How do hot gemstones help improve wellness?

A: Gemstones are soothing, beautiful, and the cornerstone of our InfraMat Pro®. Gentle heat increases the calming effect of the gemstones used in our mats, providing a healing experience for the mind, body, and soul. These gemstones, including amethyst, sodalite, and jade, also emit FIR and negative ions, further increasing therapeutic benefits.

Healing benefits of hot gemstones:

  • Create a grounding and calming effect
  • Impact pressure points to reduce tension
  • Detoxify and cleanse

Q: Are your mats EMF-free?

A: Yes, all of our mats must pass multiple quality assurance tests for EMF filtration. Various layers within each mat work to block and eliminate EMF radiation. Check out an EMF test conducted on a HealthyLine mat here.

Q: Where do FIR and negative ions come from?

A: Heating the gemstones in your mat generates FIR and negative ions.